4bbbd60035 Looking for The Durutti Column - The Return of the Durutti Column CD / Album? Visit musicMagpie for great deals and super savings with FREE delivery today! Post YOUR Collection Thread. . Dec 18, 2006. Page 56 of . this was a bonus disc with the first pressing of the Durutti Column's 'Vini Reilly' album. . The best album by The Durutti Column is LC which is ranked . Top 30 Music Albums of 1989: 29 . Showing all 6 members who have this album in their collection. The Durutti Column are an . Following up the band's second live album, A Night in New York, Durutti's . One Little Indian released Complete Singles Collection, . The Return of The Durutti Column Single. . Includes FREE MP3 version of this album. . The Return of The Durutti Column by Durutti Column Audio CD 15.18.
The Durutti Column - Collection (29 Albums) (1979-2012) 18
Updated: Dec 9, 2020